Yea... I've just seen the Top 17... well well.... last year there was Top 20, but this year there was only 17. Lack of participation or the quality is just not up to standard this year? Hmm...
From the shortlisted, we see that the taste of this year's preliminary judges lean more towards slim cute type instead of muscle type. Or, again, was it because of lack of participation? Maybe it's all hidden behind the cloth but somehow I doubt that there is much meat to be seen. Except maybe for a sneak preview to the meat hanging down there. There are alot of packages dangling there half tempting our imagination... Now it really stirs my imagination in wondering if any cock is awaken during the whole photo shoot?
This year also score some interesting names that you don't come across often. At the top of the list would probably be Justay (typo or real name?). Anyway in which case, I found that there is a m-yspace under the same name belonging to a 48 year old woman staying in Texas... and she is a lesbian... talk about coincidence. Coming up second is Kerou which reminds me of Keroro. Wason for Watson. And last but not least, Raven, which isn't really that rare a name, but I would expect him to be a mmorpg character instead, but cute nonetheless.
So, the total profiles I see now is 31800. On March 2006, I recorded a total profile of 13170 during one of my whimsical journaling session, which we can see increased thrice fold thus far. Does the gay population in Malaysia really increase this dramatically? Or was it merely a foul play? Do we expect similar increment for this year? Well, we will find out soon enough.
Who will win this year? What kind of bitching gossip would surface? Tune in for the next, probably never, installation of Axcesticon Review. Witness the ass, sex, tits and cons that would certainly keep you on edge.... for awhile anyway...
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